TCF Centre

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Strategic customer feedback programs from The Customer Feedback Centre

Enterprise feedback technology for Networks, Providers and Support Services

For larger organisations, obtaining a clear view of what customer feedback is illustrating across all areas of business can be a challenge. Often formal customer feedback programs and the methods that support them are tactical rather than strategic, leading to feedback results which are difficult to organise into a coherent picture of what customers are actually saying.

The Customer Feedback Centre from FinQS ensures your organisation can achieve a consolidated, centralised view of how your customers perceive the services and products you offer. It can be put into operation with minimal effort to allow your organisation to implement a companywide feedback solution quickly and easily. It delivers continuous management information at all levels of an organisation with speed and accuracy. Customer feedback can then be easily translated into tangible actions that allow you to meet your strategic business goals.

The Customer Feedback Centre automates the collection and analysis of feedback. It saves your organisation time and cost and improves response rates to make customer feedback core to your business strategy and proposition. In addition, Networks and Support services can monitor the performance of their RI's or direct sales force, identify training or supervisory requirements to ensure that professionalism is enhanced, and that TCF can be measured and evidenced.

Contact us to find out how we can help your organisation deliver a strategic customer feedback program that is truly integrated into your business.

Key Features...

  • Slick process for requesting feedback
  • Online or paper-based methods
  • Personalised feedback questionnaires
  • Organisational hierarchy to mimic your business operations
  • Single platform for all staff engaged in feedback processes
  • Automatic collation of feedback responses
  • A complete view of your business from your customers' perspective
  • Alerting so that feedback can be addressed quickly and easily
  • Ability to quickly drill into responses and see exactly what customer feedback is telling you
  • Measurable action plans with success criteria to demonstrate continuous improvement
  • Multiple questionnaires to meet different target groups with the ability to customise questionnaires specifically for your business
  • Extensive hierarchical reporting for business stakeholders